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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Seems like even happy stuff nowadays fail to cheer me up.

Just temporary distractions.

I should really stop dwelling on the past,
its never gonna happen anyway.

Really, i should.

If only i could.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Some people say things get better with time.
Seems like the reverse is happening.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Yea live high.
Tell that to the starving kids in africa -_-

Stupid computer died on fri night
was reformatted just now
it didnt occur to me i could take
the harddrive out and retrieve the files
until it was too late
and now

everything is gone!

My 2k songs,
which is still okay cos piracy is rampant
and u could always download it again
cds can be burnt again.
My files like word and exel and ppt and w/e,
dont know how imp they are cos i cant rmb
but surely they contain some admin stuff
My old pictures,
most i can get ppl to send to me
but there are some old ones
which hold much memories
snapshots of the past
which will nv happen again
all gone.
Also maybe some other stuff in my comp,
which i cant rmb,
and probably will not recall ever ever again.
Some things are just irreplaceable.

Now im turned off just at the sight of the comp.
using my laptop now.

Im actually entertaining the thought that
losing my phone might actually be better than this
numbers can always be obtained again
i would def have more than 1 way of
contacting my close friends and ppl arnd me
as for those long-lost friends or etc
theres always facebook.
its not like u will regret losing the number of
the girl who sat X rows behind u in class in kindergarten
its your fault for not keeping contact in the 1st place
not that there's any assurance the numbers are still active.

Soon i'll just forget everything anyway.
Life just gets better each day :)
So much more to look forward to like,
Tests and tests,
shaving botak and enriching your multilingual skills,
stupid mundane 9-5 job,
retire and then pee in your pants even before u reach the loo
first thing you wear on earth is a diaper
that'll be the same thing you'll be leaving with.
Everyone wants a beautiful life
a dream job
a nice death in your sleep or while doing what you enjoy.
Yea dream on :)

PS: i know i may be acting like the world is ending
I know its not.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Shows you how essential good audio is for a movie.
Even though its in lego, still loks not bad i think.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009